
Monthly Archives: August 2012

I’ve just returned to Chicago after a blissful few weeks away watching wonderful people get married, sleeping in my childhood bedroom, remembering the awesomeness that is a suburban craft store, trying out new water sports, seeing old friends, and spending time with my family, plus a beach vacation thrown in for extra-good measure.  I still need to tend to an unpacked suitcase, a bare fridge, and the new IKEA catalog (a girl has to have priorities), but I wanted to share this awesome video I found via Apartment Therapy.  I’ve been toying with the idea of buying my very own bicycle, which will open up a cheap, efficient, and healthy way for me to get around the city and ride around with my bicycle-fiend of a boyfriend.  One thing I’m not looking forward to is wearing a helmet (hello, helmet hair).  Enter: The Invisible Bike Helmet.


So many good things to say about this, but the best part?  You get to feel the wind in your hair AND you’re biking smart.