
Monthly Archives: March 2013


Daylight savings time is just a grand conspiracy, isn’t it? Why am I still awake? Why have I started like 90 different blog posts that I haven’t posted? Why do I exaggerate all numbers to a multiple of 9? Why did my eyebrow threader do weird things to my eyebrow (right) this weekend? Why am I playing around with Photo Booth instead of just buying a real photo editing program with my NYU discount? Does this photo look OK not on Macs? Who doesn’t have a Mac these days anyway? Why I am still writing fake questions when I need to get up at 6am?

We’ve gotten to that time of year when winter really just needs to be over, but every time you check the weather report there’s another snowstorm on the horizon.  This year is particularly annoying because there was hardly any snow during the period of time between December and February when snow is appropriate and occasionally welcomed (PEOPLE WROTE SONGS ABOUT WHITE CHRISTMASES FOR A REASON), and instead it delayed its arrival until the middle of February, and appears to be doing some kind of grand finale (well, it’d better be the finale) tomorrow, with 7 to 10 inches expected here in Chicago.  And it’s not even the light, pretty snow.  It’s wet, heavy, already-kind-of-gray-when-it-falls snow.  To put the cherry on that sundae, it was a particularly gray, cloudy February, even by Chicago standards.

What this all translates to is that I’ve worn all of my sweaters 10,000 times this season and all my outfits feel tired, I have a heightened annoyance at things that usually don’t annoy me, I can’t imagine what 80 degrees even feels like and am certain that it will be cold and gray forever, and I am over it.

However, in the interest of my mental health, I have realized that not everything about this sucks.  In fact, I have found the bright side.

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