
Monthly Archives: November 2012

One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed since starting my new job is how routinized my weekdays have become.  Wake up, get ready, commute, work, commute, eat, clean up, hang out with the boyfriend, shower, read, sleep, repeat.  And while my Type A, to-do-list-making, hyper-organized self enjoys the structure, it makes me especially cherish those free, unscheduled moments.

That’s why I spent a little time coming up with a plan for my weekday lunches.  I’m a big proponent of bringing my lunch, since it generally means cheaper and healthier (and especially during this time of year, more money in my pocket and a few less calories never hurts).  However, the last thing I want to do before going to bed or while I’m trying to get out the door in the morning is pack my lunch.  So I put together a list of easy, healthy recipes with the goal to make one or two over the weekend so I can spend more time doing craft projects and watching christmas movies and less time figuring out what to throw together for lunch each day.  I thought I’d share my favorites here.

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Dear Unemployment,

We have had what feels like ample time to get to know one another over the past few months.  However, on Monday I will leave you behind and venture into my post-graduate school life with a real job.  While I am looking forward to that, I wanted to let you know that we did have some good times together, and there are things about you I will miss.

  1. Not setting an alarm (mostly).
  2. Sweatpants as my dress code.
  3. Getting to enjoy nice weather, no matter the day of the week.
  4. Grocery shopping in non-peak hours (and cursing myself when I don’t).
  5. Watching America’s Test Kitchen and Ellen regularly.
  6. Spending ridiculously long stretches cooking.
  7. Weird mealtimes.
  8. Field trips.
  9. Lots of time for organizing/cleaning/planning organizing and cleaning.
  10. Doing what I want, when I want.

That being said, there are things that I will not miss about you.  It’s not your fault, no relationship is perfect.

  1. No pay.
  2. Not a lot of necessary tasks/responsibilities, which paired with my penchant for netflix, could result in a dramatic lack of productivity.
  3. No deadlines for anything.
  4. Daytime television mostly sucks.
  5. No excuses for a messy apartment.
  6. Did I mention there was no pay?
  7. I had to listen to construction a lot.  Across the street, in the apartment downstairs, in the hallway.  SO MUCH CONSTRUCTION.
  8. When people ask you what you do, “I’m unemployed” doesn’t usually get a lot of positive responses.  Mostly just those awkward faux-sympathy noises and faces.
  9. The feeling of unknown when you think about what you will be doing in a week, or a month, or a year.
  10. It really can’t be said enough.  No paycheck.

Farewell, unemployment.  Although it has sometimes been fun, I’m hoping I never unintentionally find myself with you ever again.  Here’s hoping it’s mutual.

Love, Jackie