Survey of my building.

I have two neighbors. The nice Italian couple on the first floor are having a party; two guys on Vespas rolled up around 10pm with some beer. I bet they live in Red Hook.

Whoever lives upstairs left the building’s skylight windows open, so the wind keeps rattling our front door. The howling wind sounds are nice, though. Very cozy.

It is fucking hot in here and our landlord has it so we are deliberately unable to adjust the radiators. I have my bedroom window open, mostly for ambiance. I can’t really see anything. Something fell out back like two houses over. I was half hoping something would fall on my dumbass neighbors’ pool, to teach them a lesson about having their pool open until November. But only half-hoping, as that would cause major unnecessary flooding in our neighborhood.

I’m going to go watch some Netflix until I fall asleep or we lose power. Whichever comes first. My office is closed tomorrow. Par-tay.

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