


Daylight savings time is just a grand conspiracy, isn’t it? Why am I still awake? Why have I started like 90 different blog posts that I haven’t posted? Why do I exaggerate all numbers to a multiple of 9? Why did my eyebrow threader do weird things to my eyebrow (right) this weekend? Why am I playing around with Photo Booth instead of just buying a real photo editing program with my NYU discount? Does this photo look OK not on Macs? Who doesn’t have a Mac these days anyway? Why I am still writing fake questions when I need to get up at 6am?



I wish this post was called ‘how to not eat weird shit before you move’, but it’s basically inevitable. The last time I moved, on my second-to-last day there I ate a tomato dipped in balsamic vinegar and some sliced (not even grated) parmesean cheese. On the last day I ate only raisins. An entire box of raisins. This is not an experience I want to repeat.

Now that the loud pipes have driven us out, we’re moving this coming Saturday. I’m down to a loaf of bread, some cheese, and an entire green pepper. I made a cheese sandwich. I probably won’t even toast it. I’d like to do something creative with the green pepper, but I am too tired. At least I have cheerios!

Although it started with an extra early wake-up call for a school event, today turned into a lovely little day.  Walked down to Reckless Records, an awesome local record store here in Chicago, and shared in some Record Store Day fun with fellow Chicagoans of all ages (even a cute little hipster baby!).  We picked up a few albums, including the Real Estate album, Days, which is one of my favorites, and probably the band I’m most excited to see this summer at Pitchfork.  We also got the new A.A. Bondy album, Believers (hey Caelyn, remember that time we saw A.A. Bondy play in Pittsburgh, and there was all of that plaid everywhere?).

[record store day loot]

Then we spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out on the couch, listening to our new records and trading new and noteworthy albums.  A very appropriate record store day, indeed.